Corneal Neuro-protection
Ialuvit is an ophthalmic solution with a high content of sodium hyaluronate (0.5%) which, as a result of its muco-mimetic and pseudoplastic properties, is evenly distributed on the eye surface forming a viscous-elastic protective layer. It is composed by Cyanocobalamin and taurine, respectively a Bgroup vitamin and an aminoacid.
Packaging: one box of Ialuvit contains 15 resealable vials of 0.6 ml.
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Ialuvit stabilises the tear film, reducing friction and stress caused by blinking and other eye movements. Cyanocobalamin and taurine, respectively a Bgroup vitamin and an aminoacid, are naturally occurring in the tissues of the anterior segment of the eye and, together with the hyaluronic acid, aid the re-epithelisation of the corneal surface. Ialuvit has been formulated in a hypotonic solution so as to offset any hyperosmolarity of the tear film and, due to its special saline solution, it restores and maintains at natural levels the concentration of important ions such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, which are paramount for a healthy eye surface.